Meaning of స్పష్టంగా in Telugu
Meaning of స్పష్టంగా in English
English usage of స్పష్టంగా
- it became apparent that he was talented
- the child nodded, apparently content with the promise
- the article is avowedly a historical analysis
- am I making myself clear ?
- on white paper, the seeds are clearly visible
- the signs were conspicuously displayed inside the restaurant
- reading each word slowly and distinctly
- it's a downright disgrace
- she ate the cookies with evident enjoyment
- a work so evidently laden with significance
- his letters evince the excitement he felt at undertaking this journey
- attempting to explicate the relationship between crime and economic forces
- the essay should state explicitly how the facts support the thesis
- she was expressly forbidden to use the stove
- authorities are flagrantly violating the law by refusing to comply
- glaringly bright colors
- he was insinuating that I had no self-control
- dirty, insinuating laughter
- the original typescript is scarcely legible
- the system was manifestly unfair
- unemployment has been the most obvious cost of the recession
- she was obviously sick
- portrayed as a blue-collar type, ostensibly a carpenter
- palpably false claims
- these claims were patently false
- a light was plainly visible
- the envelope and its portentous contents
- restrictions professedly designed to stop the use of political propaganda
- the narrative deals only tangentially with marriage
- the atmosphere of neglect and abandonment was almost tangible
- Margaret remembers vividly the day she received the grim news
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