Meaning of விலக்கு in Telugu
- విరమణ
- బయటకు నిషేధిత
- తగ్గింపు
- మినహాయింపు
- తీసివేయదగినది
- మినహాయించదగినది
- విక్షేపం
- విడాకులు
- విడదీయడం
- విడదీయకుండా
- తీసివేయి
- విడదీయండి
- విచ్ఛేదనం
- విముక్తి
- విస్మరించండి
- నిరాకరించండి
- పంపిణీ
- సంబంధాన్ని త్రుంచి వేయు
- విభజించదగినది
- ఉపసంహరణ
- తప్పించుకోవడం
- ఎస్చాంజ్
- మినహాయించు
- మినహాయింపువాది
- మినహాయింపులు
- మినహాయించండి
- వెలికితీత
- అవుట్ ప్రైసింగ్
- తిప్పికొట్టడం
- వదిలించుకొను
- దూరంగా ఉండండి
- తీసివేయడం
Meaning of விலக்கு in English
English usage of விலக்கு
- abnegation of political lawmaking power
- child-care vouchers will be deductible expenses for employers
- he attempted to deflect attention away from his private life
- W. Gau states that he bought a vineyard from his kinsman, P. Gau, but that Ayquem de Bourc took it into the King's hand, claiming that it had been deforced from him.
- the cities were derelict and dying
- these quibbles in no way detract from her achievement
- methods for communicating with the dead or with discarnate spirits
- they clung together for a moment, then she disengaged herself
- the paired chromosomes fail to separate or disjoin during cell division
- the divestiture of state-owned assets
- the importance of divestment
- women had been excluded from many scientific societies
- drug users are subject to exclusion from the military
- exclusionary membership policies
- an exclusionist foreign policy
- they were exempted from paying the tax
- these patients are exempt from all charges
- they were exempted from paying the tax
- exemption from prescription charges
- they were exempted from paying the tax
- he shunned fashionable society
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