Meaning of சுற்றளவு in Telugu
- సర్కిటర్
- చుట్టుకొలత
- ప్రదక్షిణ
- సున్నతి
- వృత్తాకార
- సున్తీ
- చుట్టుముట్టండి
- చుట్టుముట్టడం
- చుట్టుకొలతలు
- సర్కమ్ఫ్లెక్స్
- చుట్టుపక్కల
- సర్కమ్ఫ్యూజ్డ్
- సర్కమ్ఫ్యూజ్
- సర్క్ఫ్యూజింగ్
- చుట్టుముట్టబడినది
- సర్క్యూపోలార్
- సర్క్యూపోలిగాన్
- సర్క్యూరోటేట్
- సర్క్సినస్
- సర్క్సోలార్
- చుట్టుముట్టే
- ఆవరణ
- గిర్డర్
- నాడా
- చుట్టుకొలత లేనిది
- పరిధీయ
- అంచులు
- అంచు
- పరిధులు
Meaning of சுற்றளவு in English
English usage of சுற்றளவு
- circumambulate
- he could not see them clearly by reason of the circumambient water
- His last work was on the cycloid, the curve traced by a point on the circumference of a rolling circle.
- His last work was on the cycloid, the curve traced by a point on the circumference of a rolling circle.
- the pipe showed several circumferential cracks
- circumflex coronary arteries
- The evidence is that originally the German keyboard produced circumflexes instead of umlauts but it was replaced by an English keyboard.
- As your breathing partakes of the circumfluent air, so let your thinking partake of the circumfluent Mind.
- Earth with her nether Ocean circumfused
- Earth with her nether Ocean circumfused
- Earth with her nether Ocean circumfused
- the circumjacent parts of the mouth
- the eight circumpolar countries met in 1991
- The number of teeth of the planet gear train are arranged to make each planet gear circumrotate twice.
- the officials were very circumspect in their statements
- The contents support a remarkably simple way of envisioning how members of the sun's family, including our home planet, make their circumsolar rounds.
- circumspection is required in the day-to-day exercise of administrative powers
- circumterrestrial space
- circumvention of the rules undermines any fairness
- Here, the musicians position each sound, each effect, in the spectrum with great precision, careful not to disturb the balance between the abstract constructions and the delicate melodic circumvolutions .
- the tower is made of steel girders criss-crossed to make it stronger
- the four seas that girth Britain
- the four seas that girth Britain
- the four seas that girth Britain
- the perimeter of a rectangle
- the perimeter of a rectangle
- Fundoscopy showed severe disc swelling, and perimetry showed visual field defects, which were most extensive in both lower quadrants.
- new buildings on the periphery of the hospital site
- new buildings on the periphery of the hospital site
- In order to refer to the activity denoted by the F-word, it is necessary to engage in circumlocution or periphrasis .
- the periphrastic nature of legal syntax
- the tadpoles used in this experiment feed primarily on periphyton
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