Meaning of ஒத்த in Telugu
- సమ్మేళనం
- సమాన
- సమానమైన
- అనుగుణంగా
- ఒకేలా ఉంటుంది
- పోలి
- సమానం
- సమానమైనది
- పోలి ఉంటుంది
- సారూప్యత
- పోలి ఉంటాయి
- తిరిగి
- అనుకరణ
- అనుకరణలు
- సిమోనియస్
- సిమల్టీ
- పర్యాయపదం
- పర్యాయపదాలు
- పర్యాయపదంగా
Meaning of ஒத்த in English
English usage of ஒத்த
- institutional and departmental objectives are largely congruent
- this explanation is congruous with earlier observations
- communication is successful when the ideas in the minds of the speaker and hearer correspond
- the passage on the second floor was identical to the one below
- the resemblers of the man in the picture
- some people resemble their dogs
- a soft cheese similar to Brie
- By using irony, similes , and symbols, to name a few, Crane ‘paints’ a vivid picture of what life was like for the fragile Henry Fleming.
- By using irony, similes , and symbols, to name a few, Crane ‘paints’ a vivid picture of what life was like for the fragile Henry Fleming.
- It was common ground that the closest synonym of damage is harm.
- It is our aim in this paper to establish the synonymy of these genera.
- aggression is often taken as synonymous with violence
- It is our aim in this paper to establish the synonymy of these genera.
- It was common ground that the closest synonym of damage is harm.
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