Meaning of அளவு in Telugu
- మొత్తం
- మొత్తాలు
- కాలిడిటీ
- మోతాదు
- పరిధి
- పరిమితి
- పరిమాణం
- క్వాలే
- క్వాంటల్
- పరిమాణంలో
- క్వాంటిక్
- పరిమాణాత్మక
- పరిమాణాలు
- పరిమాణాత్మకత
- క్వాంటిఫైయర్
- క్వాంటైల్
- పరిమాణము
- పరిమాణాన్ని
- పరిమాణాత్మకంగా
- షేక్
- స్కేల్
Meaning of அளவு in English
English usage of அளவு
- losses amounted to over 10 million dollars
- losses amounted to over 10 million dollars
- the substance is harmless if taken in small amounts
- a dosage of 450 milligrams a day
- an enclosure ten acres in extent
- try to limit the amount you drink
- they may feel discouraged at the magnitude of the task before them
- According to Block, what has remained the same is the qualia of my experience; what has changed is the intentional content.
- quants use computers to tell them what to buy and sell
- a quantal release of neurotransmitter
- Maschke's second area of work was on differential geometry in particular the theory of quadratic differential quantics .
- the quantification of damages is difficult
- And here the variable ‘x’ is bound by the quantifier outside the scope of ‘believes… ’, and ‘a’ is a name for x which may or may not be a name which S knows.
- The empirical data were then graphically compared with the range of 95% of the simulated values belted by these quantiles .
- The empirical data were then graphically compared with the range of 95% of the simulated values belted by these quantiles .
- damage to the target cells was quantitated by fluorescence microscopy
- quantitative analysis
- effects of variation in temperature were assessed quantitatively
- the quantity and quality of the fruit can be controlled
- the quantity and quality of the fruit can be controlled
- company employees have hit the top of their pay scales
- the schools varied in size
- a grapefruit-sized lump
- some drills are sized in millimeters
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