Meaning of স্থায়ী in Telugu
- సర్దుబాటు చేయబడింది
- భరిస్తుంది
- శాశ్వతమైన
- శాశ్వత
- శాశ్వతం
- స్థిరపడింది
- ఉండదగినది
- బస
- ముగించదగినది
- భయంకరమైన
Meaning of স্থায়ী in English
English usage of স্থায়ী
- the interest rate should be adjusted for inflation
- it seemed impossible that anyone could endure such pain
- he formed a number of enduring relationships with women
- a permanent ban on the dumping of radioactive waste at sea
- Problem-solving perms re-texturize hair, adding body, wave, movement and volume, but to call them permanents is a misnomer.
- the law perpetuated the interests of the ruling class
- he settled into an armchair
- At sunset, we had 5 sails up in a vain attempt to catch what little wind there was - jib, stay, main, mizzen staysail and the mizzen.
- an agreement terminable by the Company on 12 months' notice
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