Meaning of দমন in Telugu
- అరికట్టబడింది
- క్వెల్లింగ్
- అణచివేత
- నిగ్రహం
- లొంగదీస్తుంది
- సమ్ప్చురీ
- భర్తీ
- అణిచివేస్తుంది
- అణచివేయడం
- అణచివేతలు
- సర్బెడ్
Meaning of দমন in English
English usage of দমন
- she promised she would curb her temper
- extra police were called to quell the disturbance
- Irish readers will quickly spot the familiar pattern of failed uprising followed by brutal repression .
- Complex interactions of receptor and partner Smad with inhibitory Smad, coactivators or repressors , and regulatory proteins ultimately determine the wide range of activation or inhibition of TGF — dependent gene expression.
- she managed to subdue an instinct to applaud
- I call for legislating a mandatory sumptuary code strictly limiting persons licensed to wear them.
- the uprising was savagely suppressed
- the uprising was savagely suppressed
- the forcible suppression of campus protests
- the forcible suppression of campus protests
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