Meaning of संभाव्य in Telugu
- రంగురంగుల
- సంభావ్యత
- సంభావ్యతను
- సమర్థవంతంగా
- శక్తివంతం
- శక్తినిస్తుంది
- శక్తివంతమైనది
- పొటెన్షియోమీటర్
- పొటెన్షియోమీటర్లు
- పొటెన్షియోమెట్రిక్
- సంభావ్య
- ప్రోబల్
- పరిశీలన
- ప్రోబేటివ్
- ప్రోబేటరీ
- కాబోయే
- అవకాశాలు
- ప్రాస్పెక్ట్లెస్
Meaning of संभाव्य in English
English usage of संभाव्य
- colorable illustrations
- a colorable legal claim
- the main approaches are either rule-based or probabilistic
- a two-pronged campaign to woo potential customers
- classical war, with its many factors that relativize, potentialize, or reduce the use of arms, is complex
- newly available oil might potentially create a drop in prices
- the glucose will potentiate intestinal absorption of sodium
- the glucose will potentiate intestinal absorption of sodium
- the glucose will potentiate intestinal absorption of sodium
- The controller reads the setting of the accelerator pedal from the potentiometers and regulates the power accordingly.
- The controller reads the setting of the accelerator pedal from the potentiometers and regulates the power accordingly.
- the main approaches are either rule-based or probabilistic
- it is probable that the economic situation will deteriorate further
- it places the probative burden on the defendant
- she showed a prospective buyer around the house
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