the group perversely refused to tour until well past their peak
Kate's perverse decision not to cooperate
he whispered perverted obscenities
an attempt to subvert democratic government
In this model logical resources will be dynamically allocated and deallocated to applications and users based on policies that operate on both a scheduled basis and according to fluctuating demand.
In this model logical resources will be dynamically allocated and deallocated to applications and users based on policies that operate on both a scheduled basis and according to fluctuating demand.
they must decolonize French Polynesia
he defaced library books
W. Gau states that he bought a vineyard from his kinsman, P. Gau, but that Ayquem de Bourc took it into the King's hand, claiming that it had been deforced from him.
his deformed hands
he was physically deformed by a rare bone disease
degenerative diseases
she was deified by the early Romans as a fertility goddess
delocalized cortical activity
The diagnosis of an independent depressive disorder becomes difficult in the demented patient.
a weak and demoralized president
And if a claim is demurrable there might arise a question, as arose in the present case, as to whether it could possibly be saved by amendment.
empty verbalisms and denatured ceremonies
a deviant ideology
devolved and decentralized government
measures to devolve power to the provinces
a grimace distorted her mouth
his report gives a distorted view of the meeting
maladapted species
her ribs are malformed
don't you dare malign her in my presence
As Santa gave out treats to the children, adults were treated to malted wine, and the younger generation, lighter refreshments à la Eugene Hughes.
nature reserves were set up around the power stations to mollify local conservationists
in cholera the morbific matter is taken into the alimentary canal
she was mortified to see her wrinkles in the mirror
the leg was badly mutilated
the aroma of soup permeated the air
Kate's perverse decision not to cooperate
he was charged with conspiring to pervert the course of justice
he whispered perverted obscenities
he was charged with conspiring to pervert the course of justice
The indefinite article ‘a’ is a proclitic , a word that wants to merge phonologically with the word that follows it.
the sisters had kissed each other and exchanged some private sororal sentences
an attempt to subvert democratic government
he has been vilified in the press
development programs have been vitiated by the rise in population