Meaning of लिप्त in Telugu
- చుట్టుముట్టారు
- మునిగిపోతారు
- మునిగిపోతోంది
- స్మెర్డ్
- మునిగిపోయారు
- ఆనందం
- మునిగిపోండి
Meaning of लिप्त in English
English usage of लिप्त
- a shirt hideously besmeared with the blood of the victim
- we indulged in some hot fudge sundaes
- we indulged in some hot fudge sundaes
- his face was smeared with dirt
- we indulged in some hot fudge sundaes
- we indulged in some hot fudge sundaes
Articles Related to ‘लिप्त’
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