Meaning of बंदर in Telugu
- బండర్
- లెమూర్
- కోతి
- పగ్
- పగ్స్
- బోర్ట్స్
- హర్బింగర్స్
- నౌకాశ్రయం
- ఆశ్రయం
- నౌకాశ్రయాలు
- కఠినమైన
- ఉనికిపట్టు
- అయ్యో
- పోర్ట్
- పోర్టర్స్
- ఓడరేవు
Meaning of बंदर in English
English usage of बंदर
- Even endangered species, like Diana monkeys, lemurs , and gibbons, are for sale.
- It was a place where you can see wild monkeys living in the trees.
- a come-from-nowhere pug gets a shot at the heavyweight title
- a come-from-nowhere pug gets a shot at the heavyweight title
- Black or gray-black, massive, granular to compact bort is known as carbonado.
- witch hazels are the harbingers of spring
- fishing in the harbor
- she started to harbor doubts about the wisdom of their journey
- fishing in the harbor
- fishing in the harbor
- she started to harbor doubts about the wisdom of their journey
- fishing in the harbor
- they settled down to a final glass of port
- The car drove off to the train station, and the porters put her luggage on the train.
- Their inhabitants were outnumbered by the numbers living in seaports , dockyard towns, and regional centres.
Articles Related to ‘बंदर’
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