Meaning of निराशाजनक in Telugu
- నిరాశపరిచింది
- దుర్భరమైన
- డౌన్బీట్
- దిగులుగా
- నిరాశాజనకంగా
- కోలుకోలేని విధంగా
- మకిలి
- క్షీణించడం
- నిరుత్సాహపరుస్తుంది
- వినాశకరమైనది
- నిక్షేపణ
- డిపోలరైజింగ్
- వినాశనం
- అస్పష్టత
- నిరాకరించడం
- నిర్వీర్యం
- నిరాయుధీకరణ
- విడదీయడం
- అవమానకరమైనది
- చెదరగొట్టడం
- చెత్త
- ఉద్దీపన
Meaning of निराशाजनक in English
English usage of निराशाजनक
- it's disappointing that the market hasn't gone higher
- the dismal weather made the late afternoon seem like evening
- the assessment of current economic prospects is downbeat
- a gloomy corridor
- Jessica looked at him in mute hopeless appeal
- the night skies were somber and starless
- four steps are required to decelerate the motor
- the column has not been degassed
- their insecurity is demoralizing and bad for business
- their insecurity is demoralizing and bad for business
- normally she would have accepted the challenge, but she demurred
- I depilated my underarms and legs
- Developed and tested in a government lab 10 years before, the dehairing system removed hair and dirt from beef carcasses by spraying them with depilatory chemicals as they moved through a massive chamber.
- the threshold necessary to depolarize the membrane
- that thought is too depressing for words
- the oysters are put in cages suspended in water to depurate
- word senses can be disambiguated by examining the context
- it's disappointing that the market hasn't gone higher
- he had a disconcerting habit of offering jobs to people he met at dinner parties
- a disenchanting experience
- the Anglican Church in Wales was disestablished in 1919
- her death is particularly disheartening because it was preventable
- he ran one hand through his hair, further disheveling it
- it was a dispiriting occasion
- his current job is mundane and unstimulating
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