Meaning of तारा in Telugu
- తారకం
- ప్లానెటేరియా
- ప్లానిటోరియం
- ప్లానిటోరియంలు
- నక్షత్రం
- స్టార్ వార్మ్
- తీగలు
- వైర్ స్మిత్
Meaning of तारा in English
English usage of तारा
- he had asterisked the things about the case that still bothered him
- He announced to his wife that he was going to educate the public by building a planetarium in the back room of their house.
- He announced to his wife that he was going to educate the public by building a planetarium in the back room of their house.
- He announced to his wife that he was going to educate the public by building a planetarium in the back room of their house.
- the walls were painted with silver moons and stars
- wiring a plug
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