Meaning of गलत in Telugu
- మిస్
- తప్పుగా గ్రహించారు
- తప్పుగా ప్రవర్తించారు
- తప్పుగా ఉంచబడింది
- తప్పుగా నివేదించడం
- తప్పుగా నివేదించబడింది
- పొరపాటు
- అపార్థం
Meaning of गलत in English
English usage of गलत
- misadventure
- parents often have misconceived notions about choking
- my advice was deliberately misconstrued
- a million dollars had been lost because of a misplaced comma
- the press exaggerated and misreported the response to the book
- the press exaggerated and misreported the response to the book
- she wondered whether she'd been mistaken about his intentions
- he had misunderstood the policeman's hand signals
Articles Related to ‘गलत’
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