Meaning of سرگوشی in Telugu
- మీసము
- మీసాలు
- విస్కెట్
- విస్కిన్
- విస్కీఫైడ్
- విష్
- గుసగుస
- గుసగుసలు
- విజ్జింగ్
- విజిల్
Meaning of سرگوشی in English
English usage of سرگوشی
- they won the election by a whisker
- they won the election by a whisker
- Alison was whispering in his ear
- he's a whisperer—you can hardly hear a word he says
- Alison was whispering in his ear
- Alison was whispering in his ear
- missiles whizzed past
Articles Related to ‘سرگوشی’
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