Meaning of عنوان in Telugu
- లొంగిపోవడం
- శీర్షిక
- టైటిలేటెడ్
- టైటిలేషన్
- టైటిల్ లాంటిది
- టైటిలింగ్
- టైట్రేటెడ్
- టైట్రేషన్
- చిన్నది
- టైటిలారిటీ
Meaning of عنوان in English
English usage of عنوان
- the victor sees it as a sign of capitulation
- the drawings were captioned with humorous texts
- the drawings were captioned with humorous texts
- these journalists are paid to titillate the public
- a literary form of popular entertainment and titillation
- the author and title of the book
- a song titled “You Rascal, You.”
- the sample is titrated at a pH near 10 with EDTA solution
- the rules have not been altered one jot or tittle since
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